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The bar examination

The bar examination is a highly prestigious professional qualification for lawyers, which is administered by the Finnish Bar Association and can be completed almost entirely online.

The bar examination

The bar examination administered by the Finnish Bar Association is a highly prestigious professional qualification for lawyers. The bar examination can be completed almost entirely online, and it can only be completed in Finnish or Swedish.

Passing the bar examination is one of the criteria for becoming an attorney-at-law. The examination is also a useful accolade for lawyers who are not looking to work as advocates.

The examination consists of three parts.

The bar examination consists of three parts: a written examination, an ethics component and a trial component.

Passing the examination requires successfully completing all three parts. The parts can be completed in any order. Once passed, the examination and its individual parts have no expiry date. Each part can be completed online at least twice a year. The trial component also includes a day of seminars in Helsinki. For more information, see the bar examination protocol adopted by the Ministry of Justice.

Those who pass the bar examination will be issued with a legal counsel licence even if they have no relevant work experience, as long as they satisfy the other eligibility criteria for the licence. The licensing authority is the Board on Trial Counsel.

When can I take the bar examination?

You can register for the bar examination if you have completed a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in law. You may also be eligible if you satisfy the requirements of section 3, subsection 1, paragraph 2 or section 3, subsection 2 of the Advocates Act.

You can register for the bar examination if…

you have completed a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in law. You may also be eligible if you satisfy the requirements of section 3, subsection 1, paragraph 2 or section 3, subsection 2 of the Advocates Act.

How much does it cost to take the examination?

The total cost of all three parts of the bar examination is EUR 1,635. An invoice for each part will be sent to the examinee via an online portal or by email once the registration window has closed. Paying the invoice by the due date is a condition for taking and passing the examination.


Written examination: EUR 290
Ethics component: EUR 625
Trial component: EUR 720

* Please note that the prices are given without value-added tax because the Finnish Bar Association is not liable for VAT.

Cancellation policy

You can only book the examination for yourself. You can cancel your registration for a part of the examination free of charge while the registration window remains open. The full fee for the part of the examination in question will be charged for cancellations after the closing of the registration window. If cancellation after the registration window has closed is due to a cause equivalent to a legal obstacle, no fee will be charged. The registration must be cancelled via the link sent to you in connection with registration.

Register for the examination

Please make sure to register by the deadline given in the registration form. Late registrations will not be considered without a cause equivalent to a legal obstacle. The registration window opens at least two months before the start of the relevant part of the examination or the examination date.

Click on the registration link next to each examination event to register for that event. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration once your registration has been processed. If you have not received a confirmation email, please first check your junk email folder. If the confirmation email is not in your junk email folder either, please contact us at


If you fail one of the three parts of the examination, you have the right to file a claim for rectification with the Bar Examination Committee. The appeal instructions will be enclosed with the notice of failure. For more information, email

See below for upcoming examination events and register now!