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Here is how to submit your invoice to us

The Finnish Bar Association accepts invoices via the following routes.

For more information, contact

Invoicing details for the Finnish Bar Association

The Finnish Bar Association (business ID: 0202096-1) is a public law organisation established pursuant to the Advocates Act (496/1958) and our by-laws (540/2012, replaced by 672/2024).

Due to its statutory nature, the Finnish Bar Association is not a registered business, non-governmental organisation or foundation, and its name carries no corporate suffix (such as Ltd).

1. Electronic invoices

Electronic invoicing address: 003702020961
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)

2. Scanning service for invoices sent by email

Please make sure to include the following address information in your invoice:
Finnish Bar Association
PO Box 100
FI-80020 Kollektor Scan

Please send your invoice as a PDF attachment (max. 5 MB/file) to If your invoice includes appendices, please include them in the same file with the invoice.

3. Scanning service for paper invoices

Please make sure to include the following address information in both the invoice and the envelope:
Finnish Bar Association
PO Box 100
FI-80020 Kollektor Scan